Blog Whereismeg

Toronto on my way

Jun 20, 2016

Today, at the same time that calendary announce «summer season begin» or «solsticio de invierno», depending if we are in north or south part of the Earth…At the same time, 18:35, im gonna be taking my first fly to Toronto, Canada. ( Link to airline web site)  Hope be the first, not the last.

This time coincidence between fly and summer beginning, is just that? Coincidence? I dont know…but as venezuelan people use to say: «No creo en las brujas, pero de que vuelan, vuelan». So it’s a very nice coincidence por me. Im already smiling!

So here i’am. Chilean journalist, making her first travel reporting in english language. Trying to push forward my own limits….in language, at least.

My interests during my trip going to be diverse, as i’m. Local and multicultural, at the same time. Working and enjoing. Job and leisure, everything mixed. As every journey, isn’t it?

My  (first) 3 selections for Toronto

For your interest and information, those are gonna be my destinations and issues between june 21th and july 6th.

1.- TASTE OF TORONTO: the biggest foodies event in Toronto during the summer. I so important that the restaurants close between 23 and 26 of june.

Link Taste of Toronto

2.- Saint Lawrence Market: How can i go to Toronto and not visiting one of the most delicious and oldest markets in the world? Not me…im going to be there and telling you everything i saw and taste and chat there. For sure!

Link to Saint Lawrence Market

3.- ROM: Real Ontario Museum. Before my travel desires, are my art and museums loves. So let me go to this (hope so) wonderfull museum.

Link: Real Ontario Museum web site here

Pictures and photos are expecting the visit…so be patient, be nice and just open your mouth waiting my delicious pictures! Not envy allow!

See you! Nos vemos!


P.D. I highly recommend you this web site from the city of Toronto: Link to the most complete site about Toronto: tours, what to do, what to visit, maps, etc.

torontomapa1 y alrededores