por estelagirardin | Nov 29, 2019 | 2019, Travel, viajar, Viajeros, viajes, Vietnam
After the rain, there is a silence. Delicious silence. Not too long, just few seconds. But in those few seconds the miracle is in the air. No claxones, no talks, no karaokes, no ducks no trucks. For a reason that escape to my knowledge of vietnamite weather, the rain...
por estelagirardin | Sep 23, 2019 | 2019
Tu concepto de horizonte nunca volverá a ser el mismo después de que visites Friburgo, en Suiza. A medio camino entre Zurich y Ginebra, Friburgo es de esas ciudades suizas en las que da gusto perderse. ¿Me entienden cuando les digo que Friburgo te disuelve la...
por estelagirardin | Sep 2, 2019 | 2019, Alemania, Germany, Marburg, Small cities, Travel, Unknown cities, viajar, viajes
Whether you are going to Frankfurt, Munich or the Rhine vineyards, Marburg gives you the chance to taste a human scale German city. You will be a tourist in an old fashioned way: without crowds of people surrounding you. Is it not what you are waiting for? Marburg is...
por estelagirardin | Jul 15, 2019 | 2019, Africa, Marruecos, Morocco, Travel, viajar, viajar a Marruecos, Viajeros, viajes, Viajes a pie
Moroccan way es la manera de hacer – o no hacer – determinadas cosas en Marruecos y es lo que me inspira hoy. Tómalo o déjalo, así es Marruecos.Llevo más de 2 meses viviendo, viajando, vacacionando…y, en simple, moviéndome por Marruecos. De todas mis...
por estelagirardin | Jun 6, 2019 | 2018, 2019, Fin de semana, Fines de semana, Francia, Caen, Normandía, Memorial, Museos de Historia,, Museo, viajar
June 6th 2019: 75th D- Day is the perfect moment to remember. And I give you this opportunity through Caen’s Memorial, located in this french city. Please read…enjoy and never forget. Impossible summarize the world history of the 20th century. I know. You know....